Monday, April 28, 2008

The Picks Are In

With the sixth pick in the 2008 draft the Jets chose Ohio State Defensive End Vernon Gholston. This 6 foot 3 270lb. monster will definitely improve our almost non existent pass rush from last year. He's quick and still very raw in terms of football experience. He started playing his sophomore year of high school. His speed is very impressive and his strength even more so. He tied the first overall pick Jake Long with 37 reps in the bench press at the combine. I would have liked to see us get McFadden but this guy has great potential. Pace, Jenkins, Harris, Rhodes, Revis...Wow this could be pretty exciting.

The trade up to the Packers left us at the 30th pick in the first round where the Jets made a suprising move in my mind. I don't dislike the choice but I did think they would have considered Devin Thomas or another Corner. Dustin Keller is apparently the new Dallas Clark, so if thats the case, let Chris Baker cry as long as he'd like. Bubba is a pretty solid blocking TE. I think they will utilize Keller more as a special package or slot reciever, becuase he is powerful at 6 foot 2 245lbs. and has uncanny speed for that size.

Our fourth round pick addressed yet another issue on our roster at defensive back. Dwight Lowery from San Jose St. This kid is very athletic, one of the best in school history at SJS. Hopefully he can fit right in as a nickel or maybe even compliment Revis on the other side if he can get acclimated to the defense.

In the fifth round we took Tennessee QB Erik Ainge which I thought was a good pick for this low in the draft. He completed 63% of his passes last year and threw 31 TD and 10 INT in a very competitive college football conference. Very big for a QB yet scouts say he lacks creativity and mobility.

These are some of the top players we have taken, things are looking up. Maybe we can put it together this year.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

2008 Schedule Posted

The 2008-2009 NFL schedules were posted this week and the Jets' is looking more favorable than previous years. We open against the Dolphins which could be a nice confidence builder if we can get that win. With all the new guys, getting a win would be great for team morale. Week two is our biggest opponent in the Pats, but we are playing them at home. Week three Arizona who is another team struggling.

I think this schedule is a bit weaker overall and gives us a good shot at making a run. We don't have too many quality teams to face from top to bottom. In the first ten games our only formidable opponents are the Pats and the Chargers, which is a Monday Night game. The last six games is much of the same, we have all the division teams twice obviously but aside from that we play the Titans, Broncos, Niners, and Seahawks.

Things really seem to be falling into place. Then again, the NFL season is dynamic and as we all know ANYTHING can happen.

Jetties Love McFadden

In a recent press conference Jets General Manager Mike Tennenbaum commented on the so called "character issues" that some believe will plague McFadden's career. Despite these critics Tennenbaum has no hesitation in drafting the young Arkansas RB, that is of course, if he is still available.

It has been recently reported that the Oakland Raiders with the number four pick will pass on McFadden although they are in desperate need of a running game period, that amongst many other things. The Radiers are believed to have serious interest in the Ohio State pass rusher Vernon Gholston. The Jets are also interested in him if they can't get McFadden, or unless Chris Long slips, which is doubtful.

I would love to see McFadden in green. That two pronged running attack seems to an effective system these days in the NFL. Thomas Jones can be regarded as a bruiser and with McFadden's explosive lateral speed and pretty decent hands, they Jets could have a potent running game next year. I would also be very happy if we can snag Long. Pass rush is not something to overlook. Look at what the Giants did to Brady.

With all the moves made this off season, and I say this evey year but thats being a Jets fan, I really think we can contend given these acquisitions. Draft day is going to be the most exciting for me personally, we haven't had the opportunity to get young talent like this.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Rhodes Locked Up

Questionably our most dynamic defensive player signed a five year extension this week. Strong Safety Kerry Rhodes, a former 4th round pick out of the University of Louisville signed a deal where he will receive 33.5 million dollars over the next five seasons. Aside from Coles' contract complications I was extremely glad to see the Jets take care of a young, outstanding, play maker.
Although his production lacked in comparison to the previous year, there is no denying his smarts, work ethic, and athletic ability. With the addition of Calvin Pace and addressing another defensive pass rush or cover need in the upcoming draft, the Jets will be able to mix up blitz packages and let Rhodes roam, which is where he excels most. In 2006 he had many key interceptions and forced fumbles, using his quickness and impressive size for a safety to his advantage.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

D-Rob and the Draft

The talks for trading D'wayne Robertson have died down. The Broncos were interested because he would fit their 3-4 scheme yet they remain skeptical with his injury prone knee. In other trade talks with Cincinnati that failed miserably, Robertson failed a physical and the bottom fell out of that one. Now rumor has it that the Broncos will not deal us even picks for him, but they will wait to see if the Jets cut him before the beginning of the season due to the size of his contract. Either way I think we need to get rid of him. He is a good player and can assume a starting role some where in the league, but with his health in question and the little cap room we have left it may be the best idea.

Moreover, there are new rumors circulating that the Dolphins will not use the first pick on Virgina Defensive End, Chris Long. If he were to fall that would give us a better chance at getting either Long or Vernon Gholston of Ohio State. I think w have made some strides defensively at getting a run stopper in the middle in Kris Jenkins and getting a very large pass rusher in Calvin Pace. Still I think we need more in this area. Although we do need to address the wide out and corner needs getting a talent like Long or Gholston would be ideal. Its that great pass rush that won the Giants the Superbowl this year, sadly enough.

If Mcfadden is available at six we should probably consider taking him. Running backs are hit or miss due to the high potential for injury, yet McFadden may be a talent too good for our offense to pass up.

I wouldn't give up anything to get him. Trading up would be nonsense when either way were gonna get one of the top ten players in the draft. Only way we trade D-Rob should be for the picks we traded away to get Jenkins, because we need that money to even sign the picks we draft.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

More Additions, Where do we go from here?

The Jets have made some blockbuster moves early on and there hasn't been any signs of letting up. Within the last couple of weeks Tennenbaum and Mangini have done even more to address our offensive issues. We couldn't run the ball at all last year but things are looking more promising this season. We signed another great big blocking tight end in Bubba Franks. He will complement Chris Baker, another very solid blocking TE. The acquisition of Right Tackle Damien Woody from the Lions gives us even more size up front, and directly addresses the other biggest issue on our offensive line last year. Its about time we cut Anthony Clement. If that wasn't enough to ensure Thomas Jones can pound the ball the Jets also signed veteran Full Back Tony Richardson from the Minnesota Vikings. Richardson just blocked Adrian Peterson's way to a 1,400+ yard season. These signings should have a great impact on our run game and quarterback protection schemes.

Defensively the Jets have also filled some serious needs. The highly sought after Outside Line Backer Calvin Pace of the Cardinals were up there on the Jets Radar and he loved the idea of playing here. Its good to see him in green now. At 6"4, 270lbs. Pace is a monster pass rush off the edge and is expected to fit well into the 3-4 scheme and have a big year after his breakout last season in Arizona last year. There are talks circulating of Ty Law making a return to New York. If we were to fill the Free Safety or Nickelback slot with Law it might add a nice veteran voice in the huddle. Granted he's getting up there in age, but in 2005 law did have 11 int. with the Jets.

April 26-27 will decide the fate of the Jets upcoming season even further. There is already speculation that in the NFL draft the Jets would have liked to take Darren McFadden, if available, second was Vernon Gholston, and third Chris Long. Theres a very strong chance all these guys will be gone by six, in which case maybe we should trade down and address the Wide Reciever and Corner needs because the stock of those two positions is not very strong in the first 15-20 picks. Choosing one before that would be an absolute reach and we'd be shelling out lot more dough than we've already spent on signing a number six overall.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Free Agency Frenzy

Free agency opened Friday morning and many moves have been made around he league. Suprisingly, the New York Jets are one of the big spenders thus far, and still have more to spend.

Trading for Panthers DT Kris Jenkins was a great move. With little talent available at that position aside from Shaun Rogers, who would have come a higher price, the Jets traded a third and fifth round pick for the three time pro bowler. Granted he comes with some baggage off the field as well as battled through injury, but his 6 foot 5, 335 pound frame will be a much better fit for Mangini's 3-4 scheme. Clogging up that middle will drastically improve our lack luster run defense last season.

Finally Mike Tennenbaum got serious about bringing in talent. Alan Faneca is reportedly very happy to be a Jet and now that side of the line will be Brick and Faneca with that great young anchor in Nick Mangold in the center. This will most definitely help Clemmens' blindside and vastly improve our running game, better utilizing the back Thomas Jones we invested in last year who rushed for over a 1,100 yards with an awful line last year. We've got him locked up for the rest of his career, and the already seven time pro bowler will definitely help offensive efficiency.

I really wish we didn't have to part ways with Vilma but depending on how much time he plays we'll have a second rounder next year in addition to the one this year. D'wayne Robertson is pretty much useless it this point. He's a great player, and former first round pick, but way too small to play DT in the 3-4. He should have pretty decent trade value.

Position needs- Free safety, wide receiver, linebacker, if we don't get my favorite potential pick , Ohio State's Vernon Gholston who had an amazing work out at the combine running a 4.4 40 yard dash, blazing for a pass rushing Defensive End/ Linebacker.